Buchanan Street Bus Station
Waste Water Services has an industry-wide reputation for not only providing a high-quality service but for offering turnkey solutions.
Buchanan Street Bus Station is Scotland's largest bus transport hub with 1,700 journeys departing daily and over 40,000 passengers passing through the station every day. With bus passenger numbers predicted to rise, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) who operate the station recognised the need for upgrading. The last refurbishment within the bus station was carried out to the first-floor office area in 2015. The ground floor concourse area had remained relatively unchanged over the years.
The refurbishment was awarded to a Scottish refurbishment company who specialise in construction, refurbishment and maintenance across the UK. Due to the timescale involved, and the areas of concourse which would be closed off, the men's public toilets would be out of use for around ten weeks. As well as providing a temporary toilet block and tank for the men's public toilet, the customer also had to allocate onsite toilets for their operatives and subcontractors.